📄️ Launching Deployer
The Host Provisioning Deployer is a program designed to run on WinPE, with the Preparation Tool you can prepare a ready WinPE image with the Deployer included.
📄️ Deploy Image
The default option is Deploy Image. At this point you need to type the Host Provisioning Server if you have not configured it during the WinPE preparation, or the discovery package sent failed. Click next to continue to the next step.
📄️ Upload Image
The Deployer is used to upload a modified VHDx image, this is a common task that allows you to send changes with updates to all clients in the same Computer Group.
📄️ Compact Image
Deployer allows you to compact the local differential disk a client is running, this is not normally necessary. Clients work with differential disk of the latest VHDx received from the server, it keeps all the data that has changed, even after months the differential disk will not excessively grow, theoretically the maximum size would be when all files from the VHDx were modified (something actually not possible: many Windows and Program Files files are never modified).