📄️ Client Installation
The Host Provisioning Client must be installed on the vDisk deployed to clients, it handles communication with the server and applies the downloaded configuration and images updates.
📄️ Persistent Drive
The native persistent drive is an important concept in Host Provisioning Services that helps you keep the data that you need to preserve between updates.
📄️ Redirecting Profiles
You can redirect the entire location of user profiles or redirect the location of the Desktop, My Documents, etc., using either of these options or a combination of them.
📄️ User State Migration
With User State Migration Tool (USMT) there are three types of components that can be migrated to the new applied vDisk:
📄️ Drivers
Clients can search for drivers in the Windows Catalog and keep them in the persistent drive to inject when their local vDisk is updated. These drivers downloaded from the internet have been tested by Microsoft and are the most stable.
📄️ Printers
After each disk update, the system restores the original state and some configuration may be lost, you can automate the configuration of local printers, for network printers you can use domain policies or a scripted installation.
📄️ Sysprep or not Sysprep
Microsoft generally recommends using the System Preparation (Sysprep) tool when creating cloned images of Windows operating systems. Sysprep is a Microsoft tool that prepares a Windows installation for imaging, allowing the same image to be deployed on multiple computers while ensuring each system gets a unique identity.
📄️ Requirements
The same minimum hardware requirements for a Windows operating system Client or Server editions apply for Host Provisioning systems, check Microsoft website to verify your systems meet them.
📄️ Windows Activation
There are two main scenarios for Volume Activation of Windows: