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Step 4: Create Groups

This is the minimum configuration to start deploying:

  • Create a vDisk Group
  • Create a Computer Group

A vDisk Group is chain of VHDx containing one or more base images, it is the basics of Host Provisioning. You can create additional vDisks to update your system, merge updates on a new base image and so on.

A Computer Group contains common configurations to be applied to computers. A Computer is part of a Computer Group. One of the configurations of a Computer Group is the vDisk Group.

Create a vDisk Group

  • Log on to the Host Provisioning Administration console using your preferred browser.
  • Go to vDisks and vDisk Groups.
  • Clic on ADD.
  • Type the name of the vDisk Group and select the VHDx previously created.
  • Clic on Upload.
Learn More

To learn more about vDisk Groups, such as what are Compact Profiles, click here.

Create a Computer Group

  • Log on to the Host Provisioning Administration console using your preferred browser.
  • Go to Hosts and Computer Groups.
  • Clic on ADD.
  • Type the name of the Computer Group and select the vDisk Group previously created.
  • Clic on Save Changes.
Learn More

To learn more about Computer Groups with all the options you can set and the override feature, click here.